Hot Water Recirculation Pumps are helpful in conserving time, water, and money. Without these pumps, when a faucet or fixture is turned on, the cold water would be left running long enough for the water heater to send hot water through the pipes to the faucet. This wastes water, which ultimately wastes money as well. If hot water is desired immediately, a Hot Water Recirculation Pump with Comfort T would be the answer.
How do they work?
The Hot Water Recirculation Pump connects to the inlet or outlet of a water heater. A Comfort T is then installed close in proximity to the desired fixtures, creating a hot water recirculating loop. The pump will run hot water consistently through your pipes. When the hot water side of a fixture or shower valve is turned on, the water is hot and ready to go. No waiting necessary. With Hot Water Recirculation Pumps, consumers have the option to run the hot water 24/7 or they may choose to run hot water on the provided timer to save money.
What is the cost?
In general, this fitting and pump will cost under $900 with parts and installation and usually can be installed in under three hours. The benefits are convenience and a possible reduction in water usage and natural gas costs.
Additional Tips
It might be helpful to use the timer on the pump for when you’re at home. You can turn it off during the day while at work or in the middle of the night when you wouldn’t need hot water immediately. This could provide additional savings on utility bills as well.
Our plumbing professionals at PVA Plumbing can install Hot Water Recirculation Pumps. Contact us at 770-765-2225, email us at, or view our website at